Rapport de combat
Dim 24 Jan 2010 - 12:19
Bonjour j'y va pas tres clair mais c'est un rapport de combat...
C'est la premiere fois que je poste dans cette section ...
_Permet d'afficher les sorts lors d'un passage de niveau
_Permet d'afficher les pourcentage d'XP
_Permet d'afficher un phrase lors d'une prise de niveau
_Permet plein d'autre choses ...
Auteur : Yanfly
Script :
Voila mais il y a un autre script qui va avec mais je ne sais pas a quoi il sert.
Voila je vais metre des screen apres ...
Merci de m'expliquer un peu
C'est la premiere fois que je poste dans cette section ...
_Permet d'afficher les sorts lors d'un passage de niveau
_Permet d'afficher les pourcentage d'XP
_Permet d'afficher un phrase lors d'une prise de niveau
_Permet plein d'autre choses ...
Auteur : Yanfly
Script :
- Code:
# Yanfly Engine RD - Display Victory Aftermath
# Last Date Updated: 2009.06.24
# Level: Easy, Normal, Hard, Lunatic
# I'm remaking this script for multiple reasons. Biggest of which is so that the
# code's a whole lot cleaner. The second biggest reason is because I actualy
# know what I'm doing this time around. And the third reason is that out there
# in the VX scripting community, a decent victory aftermath script has yet to be
# made. This will hopefully provide everything adequate for a victory aftermath.
# This script consists of a couple of phases. The first being displayed exp for
# each member prior to gaining the experience earned in battle. Nothing too
# special here, you basically see what happens before the experience is applied.
# The second phase goes into giving each of the actors experience. This supports
# multi-leveling as well as learning a whole bunch of skills. Actors that level
# up will create a window that displays their previous stats in comparison to
# their new stats. Alongside that is also a list of the new skills they have
# learned from the level up.
# This script leaves an "extra" phase if there's any add-ons made for Victory
# Aftermath in the future. By default, there's nothing visible here, but should
# add-ons be made, this phase will be providing for it without need to actually
# modify the script itself.
# The last phase goes into the drop listing. This generates a list of drops and
# displays them from most to least number of drops. This means that drops of the
# same type will stack upon another. If no drops present, this phase is skipped.
# Updates:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# o 2009.06.20 - Bug fix for Double EXP Gain not calculated properly.
# o 2009.06.14 - Bug fix for dead actor EXP bars rising.
# o 2009.05.30 - Compatibility with Scene Battle ReDux.
# o 2009.05.17 - Game_Actor's change_exp is now overwritten. Now, newly learned
# skills will show when there are other skill altering scripts
# inside a game.
# VA_PERCENT_EXP added to change decimal spaces.
# o 2009.05.12 - Ticking sound stops after all actors reach 100% bar.
# o 2009.05.08 - Fixed a max level bug.
# o 2009.05.03 - Disposed windows bugfix (another one this time)
# Added more personal actor quotes for defaults.
# o 2009.05.02 - Disposed windows bugfix. Made the exp bar sound into a tick.
# o 2009.05.01 - Animated experience bar going up.
# Added a switch to allow skipping the victory screens.
# o 2009.04.28 - Bugfix for skill window not disappearing.
# o 2009.04.27 - Major Updates:
# Option to use faces or not ala VA_USE_FACES
# Switch to bypass Battle BGM's ala VA_BYPASS_BGM_SWITCH
# Major bugfix to prevent save corruption.
# o 2009.04.26 - Added more options.
# Stat Next Display Type
# Leveled Up Stat Display Type
# Play Victory BGM
# Hide skill window if no skills learned.
# Bugfix for gaining EXP outside of battle.
# Bugfix for not actually getting items.
# o 2009.04.25 - Finished script and publicized.
# o 2009.04.23 - Started script.
# Instructions
# Just plug and play it. If you wish to to extend further and modify the content
# a bit more, scroll down to the module and edit whatever you see fit. There's
# a lot of things you can potentially edit and modify. Instructions and comments
# are provided alongside the various options.
# Compatibility
# - Works With: KGC LargeParty, KGC Extra Drop
# - Alias: Game_Actor, initialize, display_level_up
# - Alias: Scene_Battle, terminate
# - Alias: Scene_Map, call_battle
# - Overwrites: Game_Actor, change_exp
# - Overwrites: Scene_Battle, process_victory, display_exp_and_gold
$imported = {} if $imported == nil
$imported["DisplayVictoryAftermath"] = true
module YE
module BATTLE
module DISPLAY
# This is the number of frames to wait before displaying the victory
# windows on screen. One second consists of 60 frames.
VA_WAIT = 30
# This adjusts the background opacity level of all the windows.
# Set this to false if you don't wish to use faces.
# This BGM will be played while the victory aftermath windows are present.
# Once the victory aftermath windows are closed, the theme will revert
# back to the map theme.
VA_BGM = RPG::BGM.new("Field1", 100, 100)
# The following adjusts how long to play the Victory ME after finishing
# battle in milliseconds (if it is still continuing).
VA_ME_FADE = 1000
# This is the switch ID to use if you wish to bypass any BGM's played
# before the battle and after the battle.
# If there are some game sequences in which you'd like to skip the victory
# aftermath part together as a whole, turn on this switch. Skipping the
# victory screens will still give the actors experience, gold, and drops.
# These adjust the string data show in their respective windows.
VA_TOP_MSG = "Battle Results"
VA_EXP_MSG = "Earned %d EXP"
VA_GOLD_MSG = "Found %d Gold"
# This is how many ticks for animating the experience bar going up.
# One tick is 6 frames. There are 60 frames in a second.
VA_TICK_SOUND = RPG::SE.new("Decision1", 80, 100)
# This adjusts the experience split by percentage dependent on how many
# party members you have. Set them all to 100 if you prefer no experienc#
# splitting amongst the members. If you have more than 5 members, it will
# use experience split as if there's 4 members.
VA_EXP_SPLIT = false # Set to true if you desire EXP Splitting.
# This adjusts the face opacity shown in the party experience gain window.
# This also lets you enable or disable the sprites shown.
# This adjusts the gauge colour of the experience bar to the next level.
# The next portion adjusts how you would like the to next level portion
# drawn and adjusted. The display types are as follows:
VA_PERCENT_EXP = "%#.05g%%" # Adjusts how exp percentage is shown.
VA_MSG_NEXT_LVL = "To Level %d"
VA_MSG_MAX_LVL = "Max Level"
# This part adjusts the level up portion of the victory aftermath. Alters
# the group party window.
VA_LVL_UP_SOUND = RPG::SE.new("Flash1", 100, 100)
# This will hide the skill window if there are no skills learned.
# This part allows your actors to heal upon leveling up. Adjust the rates
# if desired. For the rates, 80 would mean 80%.
VA_LVL_UP_HEAL = false
# This part adjusts the level up windows (when the actor actually has
# leveled up). Stat text and stat icons are in the following section.
VA_LVL_UP_TITLE = "%s has reached level %d!"
VA_SKILLS_TITLE = "Skills Acquired"
VA_SKILLS_NONE = "No New Skills"
VA_SKILLS_MORE = "%s acquired new abilities!"
VA_SKILLS_SOUND = RPG::SE.new("Book", 100, 100)
# These affect the text shown in the stat level up screen and the icons
# paired along with them. The VA_NEXT_DISPLAY_TYPE works as such:
# 1 - Displays the text.
# 2 - Displays the icon
VA_TEXT_NEXT = "->" # Text for old stat to new stat.
VA_ICON_NEXT = 142 # Icon ID for next text.
VA_TEXT_LEVEL = "Level" # Category text for level.
VA_TEXT_MAXHP = "MaxHP" # Category text for MaxHP.
VA_TEXT_MAXMP = "MaxMP" # Category text for MaxMP.
VA_TEXT_ATK = "ATK" # Category text for attack.
VA_TEXT_DEF = "DEF" # Category text for defense.
VA_TEXT_SPI = "SPI" # Category text for spirit.
VA_TEXT_AGI = "AGI" # Category text for agility.
VA_ICON_LEVEL = 62 # Icon ID for level.
VA_ICON_MAXHP = 99 # Icon ID for MaxHP.
VA_ICON_MAXMP = 100 # Icon ID for MaxMP.
VA_ICON_ATK = 2 # Icon ID for attack.
VA_ICON_DEF = 52 # Icon ID for defense.
VA_ICON_SPI = 21 # Icon ID for spirit.
VA_ICON_AGI = 48 # Icon ID for agility.
# This part changes how the new stats appear for the display.
# 1 - Shows the new stat itself.
# 2 - Shows The difference in change from old stat to new stat.
# These adjust the colours for the stat level up screen.
VA_STAT_SIZE = 18 # Adjusts the font size for categories and stats.
VA_CAT_COLOUR = 4 # Adjusts the colour for stat category.
VA_BEFORE_COLOUR = 5 # Adjusts the colour for before stats.
VA_NEXT_COLOUR = 4 # Adjusts the colour for the next arrows.
VA_AFTER_COLOUR = 6 # Adjusts the colour for after stats.
# This part adjusts the drops portion of the victory aftermath. The drops
# portion will consist of a drop total check and a drop display.
VA_FOUND_DROP = RPG::SE.new("Chest", 100, 100)
VA_DROPS_TITLE = "Drop Results"
VA_DROP_TOTAL_NONE = "%s has found no drops."
VA_DROP_TOTAL_ONE = "%s has received 1 drop."
VA_DROP_TOTAL_MANY = "%s has received %d drops."
VA_DROP_CLOSE = "Press X to continue."
VA_DROP_WIN_ONE = "Found %d Drop"
VA_DROP_WIN_MANY = "Found %d Drops"
# This changes the way drops are displayed.
# 1 - Lists them vertically.
# 2 - Lists them horizontally.
# This will trigger a common event to occur after battle if enabled.
# Set which common event you would like for the battle to trigger.
end # BATTLE
end # YE
# How to Use: Lunatic Mode
# This part will allow your actors to say personal messages during the victory
# aftermath phase of battle. Actors can say a variety of things from random
# messages in the common actor pool or they can say their own personal things.
# Scroll down below to the hash, set VA_DISPLAY_ACTOR_PERSONAL_MSG to true, and
# begin modifying what you wish the actors to say.
# Adjusts what the actor says upon completing a battle.
# Adjusts what the actor says if they leveled up.
# Adjusts what the actor says if they learned skills.
# Adjusts what the actor says if no drops were found.
# Adjusts what the actor says if drops were present.
module YE
module HASH
# If this portion is enabled, your actors can have level up quotes to
# accompany their level up display. If no actor ID is set for an actor, it
# will automatically use quote set 0. To edit the quotes, scroll down
# below to the HASH module and edit there.
# This section adjusts the victory messages. Non-listed actors will use
# Actor 0 as their reference list for quotes to be used.
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
0 => [# This is for all actors that don't have an ID set here.
# Note that for Actor 0, \\n[1] will use the current
# actor's name instead of Actor ID 1's name.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"Victory is ours!\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"We beat them all!\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 3rd random message that can be said.
"\"This battle is over!\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 0
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
1 => [# This is Actor 1's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"Hmph! I didn't break a sweat.\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"Is that all you've got?\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 3rd random message that can be said.
"\"You need to do better than that!\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 1
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
2 => [# This is Actor 2's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"\\n[1], we beat them!\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"I must train harder!\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 3rd random message that can be said.
"\"That was decent training.\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 2
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
3 => [# This is Actor 3's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"How do you like them apples!?\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"What a glorious battle!\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 3rd random message that can be said.
"\"Boo-yah! You got SERVED!\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 3
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
4 => [# This is Actor 4's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"Burnt away to a crisp.\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"Just as planned.\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"Ohoho~ We just beat them good!\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 4
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
} # Do not remove this.
# This section adjusts the level up quotes for the listed actors and the
# non-listed actors. Non-listed actors will use Actor 0 as their reference
# list for quotes to be used.
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
0 => [# This is for all actors that don't have an ID set here.
# Note that for Actor 0, \\n[1] will use the current
# actor's name instead of Actor ID 1's name.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"I've become stronger!\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"I feel great!\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 3rd random message that can be said.
"\"I will fight even better!\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 0
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
1 => [# This is Actor 1's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"Man, I feel good!\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"Stronger and stronger!\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 3rd random message that can be said.
"\"This is how I fight!\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 1
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
2 => [# This is Actor 2's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"\\n[1], I'm catching up to you!\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"I don't want to fall behind.\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 3rd random message that can be said.
"\"Strength comes from diligence!\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 2
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
3 => [# This is Actor 3's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
" Never fear, \\n[3] is here!\"",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"WHO THE MAN!?",
" \\n[3] the man!\"",
" "],
[# This is the 3rd random message that can be said.
"\"I've regained honor and glory!",
" How do you like it!?\"",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 3
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
4 => [# This is Actor 4's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"And that is how it's done!\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"It's about time.\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"All in a good day's work.\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 4
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
} # Do not remove this.
# This section adjusts the more skills to be learned messages. It will only
# appear if the actor has learned more than 7 skills in the one level up
# process. However, if the actor's ID does not appear in this hash, it will
# use Actor 0 for hash referencing.
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
0 => [# This is for all actors that don't have an ID set here.
# Note that for Actor 0, \\n[1] will use the current
# actor's name instead of Actor ID 1's name.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"I have a new skill!\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"I learn something new everyday.\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 3rd random message that can be said.
"\"Let's try out this new skill.\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 0
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
1 => [# This is Actor 1's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"I have more techniques to learn!\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"I have acquired more techniques!\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 1
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
2 => [# This is Actor 2's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"\\n[1], I'm learning more!\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"All that training paid off.\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 2
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
3 => [# This is Actor 3's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"\\n[3] Smaaaaaaaaash!!!",
" Moooooooore skiiilllllz-aaah!!!\"",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"I'm so fricken awesome!\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 3
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
4 => [# This is Actor 4's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"I have even more skills to learn!\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"Something else to add to the book.\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 4
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
} # Do not remove this.
# This section adjusts the messages regarding no enemy drops. If there is
# an actor without an ID specified here, it will automatically take on
# Actor 0 as its reference.
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
0 => [# This is for all actors that don't have an ID set here.
# Note that for Actor 0, \\n[1] will use the current
# actor's name instead of Actor ID 1's name.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"There weren't any enemy drops.\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"The enemies didn't drop any goods.\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"We didn't find any drops.\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 0
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
1 => [# This is Actor 1's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"Worthless bunch of monsters.\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 1
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
2 => [# This is Actor 2's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"\\n[1], they didn't drop anything.\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 2
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
3 => [# This is Actor 3's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
" No lewt...\"",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 3
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
4 => [# This is Actor 4's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"What a meaningless battle.\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 4
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
} # Do not remove this.
# This section adjusts the messages regarding present enemy drops. If there
# is an actor without an ID specified here, it will automatically take on
# Actor 0 as its reference.
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
0 => [# This is for all actors that don't have an ID set here.
# Note that for Actor 0, \\n[1] will use the current
# actor's name instead of Actor ID 1's name.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"The monsters have dropped something!\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 2nd random message that can be said.
"\"We found some spoils.\"",
" ",
" "],
[# This is the 3rd random message that can be said.
"\"This was found on the enemy.\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 0
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
1 => [# This is Actor 1's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"To the victor goes the spoils.\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 1
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
2 => [# This is Actor 2's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"\\n[1], they drop some goods!\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 2
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
3 => [# This is Actor 3's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"WOOT! Check out my phat lewt!\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 3
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
4 => [# This is Actor 4's quotes.
[# This is the 1st random message that can be said.
"\"Wonderful, I'll take these.\"",
" ",
" "],
],# This ends Actor 4
# Actor.ID => # ----------------------------------------------------------
} # Do not remove this.
end # HASH
end # YE
# Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing computer
# damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or halitosis.
# Therefore, edit at your own risk.
# Game_Actor
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
# old level
def old_level
update_old_level if $old_level[self.id] == nil
return $old_level[self.id]
def update_old_level
$old_level[self.id] = @level
# Now Exp - The experience gained for the current level.
def now_exp
return @exp - @exp_list[@level]
# Next Exp - The experience needed for the next level.
def next_exp
return @exp_list[@level+1] > 0 ? @exp_list[@level+1] - @exp_list[@level] : 0
# full skills
def full_skills
result = []
for i in @skills
return result
# overwrite change exp
def change_exp(exp, show)
$old_level = {} if $old_level == nil
$old_level[self.id] = @level
$old_maxhp = {} if $old_maxhp == nil
$old_maxhp[self.id] = self.maxhp
$old_maxmp = {} if $old_maxmp == nil
$old_maxmp[self.id] = self.maxmp
$old_atk = {} if $old_atk == nil
$old_atk[self.id] = self.atk
$old_def = {} if $old_def == nil
$old_def[self.id] = self.def
$old_spi = {} if $old_spi == nil
$old_spi[self.id] = self.spi
$old_agi = {} if $old_agi == nil
$old_agi[self.id] = self.agi
last_level = @level
last_skills = full_skills
if $imported["LimitBreak"]
@exp = [[exp, exp_limit].min, 0].max
@exp = [[exp, 9999999].min, 0].max
while @exp >= @exp_list[@level+1] and @exp_list[@level+1] > 0
while @exp < @exp_list[@level]
@hp = [@hp, maxhp].min
@mp = [@mp, maxmp].min
if show and @level > last_level
display_level_up(full_skills - last_skills)
# alias display level up
alias display_level_up_dva display_level_up unless $@
def display_level_up(new_skills)
if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle)
$scene.hide_1st_page_windows; remove_state(1)
original_name = $game_actors[1].name
sound.play unless sound == nil
text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::DISPLAY::VA_LVL_UP_TITLE, actor.name, @level)
$level_up_title_window = Window_Base.new(0, 0, 544, 56)
$level_up_title_window.contents.draw_text(2, 0, 504, 24, text, 1)
$level_up_title_window.back_opacity = YE::BATTLE::DISPLAY::VA_BACK_OPACITY
if YE::BATTLE::DISPLAY::VA_HIDE_SKILL_IF_NONE and new_skills == []
$level_up_stats_window = Window_Level_Up_Stats.new(self, false)
$level_up_skills_window = Window_Level_Up_Skills.new(new_skills)
$level_up_skills_window.visible = false
$level_up_stats_window = Window_Level_Up_Stats.new(self, true)
$level_up_skills_window = Window_Level_Up_Skills.new(new_skills)
$level_up_skills_window.visible = true
$game_message.face_name = @face_name
$game_message.face_index = @face_index
$game_message.face_name = @face_name
$game_message.face_index = @face_index
if YE::HASH::ACTOR_LV_UP_MSG.include?(@actor_id)
msg_array = YE::HASH::ACTOR_LV_UP_MSG[@actor_id]
msg_array = YE::HASH::ACTOR_LV_UP_MSG[0]
$game_actors[1].name = @name
ax = msg_array.size
random_array = msg_array[rand(ax)]
$scene.personal_text(random_array, self)
if new_skills.size > 0
sound.play unless sound == nil
$game_actors[1].name = original_name
if YE::HASH::ACTOR_MORE_SKILL_MSG.include?(@actor_id)
msg_array = YE::HASH::ACTOR_MORE_SKILL_MSG[@actor_id]
$game_actors[1].name = @name
ax = msg_array.size
random_array = msg_array[rand(ax)]
$scene.personal_text(random_array, self)
while new_skills.size > 6
sound.play unless sound == nil
$game_actors[1].name = original_name
new_skills = delete_skills(new_skills)
if YE::HASH::ACTOR_MORE_SKILL_MSG.include?(@actor_id)
msg_array = YE::HASH::ACTOR_MORE_SKILL_MSG[@actor_id]
$game_actors[1].name = @name
ax = msg_array.size
random_array = msg_array[rand(ax)]
$scene.personal_text(random_array, self)
text = sprintf(Vocab::LevelUp, @name, Vocab::level, @level)
text = "\\>" + text + "\\<"
if new_skills.size > 0
sound.play unless sound == nil
$game_message.face_name = @face_name
$game_message.face_index = @face_index
text = sprintf(Vocab::LevelUp, @name, Vocab::level, @level)
text = "\\>" + text + "\\<"
text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::DISPLAY::VA_SKILLS_MORE, @name)
text = "\\>" + text + "\\<"
while new_skills.size > 6
sound.play unless sound == nil
$game_message.face_name = @face_name
$game_message.face_index = @face_index
new_skills = delete_skills(new_skills)
text = sprintf(Vocab::LevelUp, @name, Vocab::level, @level)
text = "\\>" + text + "\\<"
text = sprintf(YE::BATTLE::DISPLAY::VA_SKILLS_MORE, @name)
text = "\\>" + text + "\\<"
Voila mais il y a un autre script qui va avec mais je ne sais pas a quoi il sert.
- Code:
# Yanfly Engine RD - Victory Aftermath Compatibility
# Last Date Updated: 2009.04.25
# Level: Easy
# If you're using Yanfly Engine ReDux's Display Victory Aftermath and the
# message window doesn't display properly because of other scripts you may be
# using, paste this script somewhere under Display Victory Aftermath within the
# script listing and it'll function as properly.
# In short, all it is, is the default Window_BattleMessage copied over and
# re-used to not interfere with scripts that may potentially alter the whole
# Window_BattleMessage script itself.
# Updates:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# o 2009.04.25 - Started script.
# Compatibility
# - Works With: STR11b Battle Message
$imported = {} if $imported == nil
$imported["VictoryAftermathCompatibility"] = true
module YE
module BATTLE
module DISPLAY
# This adjusts the background opacity of this window.
# Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing computer
# damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or halitosis.
# Therefore, edit at your own risk.
# Window_BattleMessageCompatible
class Window_BattleMessageCompatible < Window_Message
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
self.openness = 255
self.back_opacity = YE::BATTLE::DISPLAY::DVA_MSG_OPACITY
@lines = []
# * Dispose
def dispose
# * Frame Update
def update
# * Open Window (disabled)
def open
# * Close Window (disabled)
def close
# * Set Window Background and Position (disabled)
def reset_window
# * Clear
def clear
# * Get Row Count
def line_number
return @lines.size
# * Go Back One Line
def back_one
# * Return to Designated Line
# line_number : Line number
def back_to(line_number)
while @lines.size > line_number
# * Add Text
# text : Text to be added
def add_instant_text(text)
# * Replace Text
# text : Text to be replaced
# Replaces the last line with different text.
def replace_instant_text(text)
# * Get Text From Last Line
def last_instant_text
return @lines[-1]
# * Refresh
def refresh
for i in 0...@lines.size
# * Draw Line
# index : Line number
def draw_line(index)
rect = Rect.new(0, 0, 0, 0)
rect.x += 4
rect.y += index * WLH
rect.width = contents.width - 8
rect.height = WLH
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(rect, @lines[index])
Voila je vais metre des screen apres ...
Merci de m'expliquer un peu
- Shadow of LifeMembre
- Nombre de messages : 870
Age : 28
Localisation : Joyeux. Comment ça c'est pas la bonne case ?
Distinction : Artiste de la flagornerie.
Porte parole du Ô grand Voilà voilà.
Président du club des masochistes du forum
Fake Gentleman
Soumis ^^
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2009
Re: Rapport de combat
Dim 24 Jan 2010 - 13:46
Merci pour le partage !
Mais j'utilise l'ABS Vampyr donc cela ne va m'être d'aucune utilité.
Sorry .
Voila, voila !
Mais j'utilise l'ABS Vampyr donc cela ne va m'être d'aucune utilité.
Sorry .
Voila, voila !
- Coco'Staffeux retraité
- Nombre de messages : 6578
Age : 31
Localisation : Nord/Douai
Distinction : EL DICTATOR COCO'
Coco-Dieu en puissance
Grand gourou suppléant de la secte des MAGIKARP
Leader charismatique des 2beStaffieux
N°1 du forum
Président, vice-présidents et membres honoraires de la cour suprême du forum
Président de l'association des grosses distinctions CMB
Date d'inscription : 02/07/2008
Re: Rapport de combat
Dim 24 Jan 2010 - 14:14
Tu peux préciser l'auteur de ce script? Merci
Et merci de ton partage
Et merci de ton partage
- Jojo la vache AKA la failMembre
- Nombre de messages : 146
Age : 28
Localisation : Sur terre, A moins que...
Distinction : Nounours rose V3, le nouveau est là!
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2009
Re: Rapport de combat
Dim 24 Jan 2010 - 17:29
Ouaip c'est Yanfly.
Je ne sais pas si on peut mettre des voix...
Je ne sais pas si on peut mettre des voix...
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