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Nombre de messages : 1444
Age : 30
Localisation : Paris
Distinction : Héritier d'Alexdream (mais on l'aime quand même).
Lèche cul professionnel
et il aime ça!!!
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2008

Un problème d'appel via évent . Empty [résolu] Un problème d'appel via évent . [résolu]

Lun 5 Avr 2010 - 15:04
Bonjours à tous

Nature du problème : Je n'arrive pas à appeler un certain script par évent

Description du probème :

1) J'utilise un script de gestion de stats qui est celui-ci :

Le script étant long , je vous donne que son mode d'emploi

#_/ ◆ Attribute Point Stat Distribution - KGC_DistributeParameter ◆ VX ◆
#_/ ◇ Last Update: 2008/09/13 ◇
#_/ ◆ Translation by Mr. Anonymous ◆
#_/ ◆ Extended Annotation by Touchfuzzy ◆
#_/ ◆ Extended Updates by MrAnonymous & Touchfuzzy ◆
#_/ ◆ KGC Site: ◆
#_/ ◆ http://f44.aaa.livedoor.jp/~ytomy/
#_/ ◆ Translator's Blog: ◆
#_/ ◆ http://mraprojects.wordpress.com
#_/ This script gives you the ability to completely change the way actors'
#_/ attributes are gained. This system allows for the player to distribute stat
#_/ points to actors which are gained upon level up.
#_/ ◆ script Commands ◆
#_/ These commands are used in "script" function in the third page of event
#_/ commands under "Advanced".
#_/ * gain_rp(ActorID, Value)
#_/ Increases the MaxRP of a given actor.
#_/ * reset_distributed_count(ActorID)
#_/ Resets the distributed RP of a given actor.
#_/ * call_distribute_parameter(ActorID)
#_/ Calls the Distribute Parameter screen for a given actor.
#_/ Install: Insert below KGC_ExtendedEquipScene and KGC_CustomMenuCommand.

# ★ Customization ★ #

module KGC
module DistributeParameter
# ◆ Distribution Tables ◆
# Here you may customize the costs and increase rates of specific parameters.
# The order in which these costs and increase rates are set are as follows:
# Key:
# IPC = Initial Point Cost. This is how many AP it cost to buy the first
# point of this parameter.
# IPSG = Initial Point Stat Growth. This is how much the stat will go up with
# the first point of this parameter.
# MAP = Maximum Attribute Points. The maximum amount of AP that can be spent
# on this stat. You may also put a level based equation in this but
# remember that if you put in an equation it is IMPORTANT that you put
# quotation marks ("") around it and to use level in all lower case.
# Example: "level"
# PCI = Point Cost Increase. For every AP spent in this parameter the cost
# of this parameter increases by this amount.
# PSGI = Point Stat Growth Increase. For every AP spent in this parameter
# the number of points you gain in the stat increases by this much.
# Also, if you completely remove a line (e.g. ":hit => [1, 1, 20, 0.7],")
# it will remove it from the distribution screen altogether.
# Very useful if your project doesn't require a specific stat.
# Parameter IPC, IPSG, MAP, PCI, PSGI
:maxhp => [1, 30, 30, 0.4, 2], # Maximum HP
:maxmp => [1, 5, 30, 0.4, 0.5], # Maximum MP
:atk => [1, 2, 30, 0.4, 0.5], # Attack
:def => [1, 2, 30, 0.4, 0.5], # Defense
:spi => [1, 2, 30, 0.4, 0.5], # Spirit
:agi => [1, 2, 30, 0.4, 0.5], # Agility
:eva => [1, 1, 20, 0.7], # Evasion
:cri => [1, 1, 20, 0.7], # Critical
:odds => [1, 1, 5], # Luck (Chance of being targetted)
# ◆ AP Gain Rate ◆
# Added by Touchfuzzy.
# I added this in to the GAIN_PARAMETER tables so that you can use seperate
# equations for different characters and classes.
# This is the equation that determines your total AP gained every level.
# (Character Level to the 0.25th power + 2) * Level
# This causes you to start at 3 points per level and increase slightly over
# time.
# As an example if you wish to gain a static 3 points per level write it as
# :maxrpexp = "level * 3"
:maxrpexp => ["(level ** 0.25 + 2.0) * level"], # Max AP
} # <- Do not remove!

# ◆ Individual Actor Gain Parameter Tables ◆
# You may choose to manually specify an individual actor's gain parameters.
# To do so, use the same format as above GAIN_PARAMETER table but instead
# use PERSONAL_GAIN_PARAMETER [n] (Where n = Actor ID)
# Any parameter you do not set in this table will instead draw from the
# Example:
# :maxhp => [2, 20, 50, 0.5, 5],
# :maxmp => [1, 10, 30, 0.3, 0.5],
# :atk => [1, 1, 30, 0.3, 0.5],
# :def => [1, 2, 30, 0.4, 0.5],
# :spi => [1, 2, 50, 0.5, 0.8],
# :agi => [1, 2, 30, 0.4, 0.6],
# :hit => [1, 1, 20, 0.7],
# :eva => [1, 1, 20, 0.7],
# :cri => [1, 1, 20, 0.7],
# :skill_speed => [1, 1, 20, 0.5],
# :item_speed => [1, 1, 20, 0.5],
# :odds => [1, 1, 5],
# :maxrpexp => ["(level ** 0.25 + 2.0) * level"]
# }
# ★ Insert Custom Actor Gain Tables Below Here ★

# ★ Insert Custom Actor Gain Tables Above Here ★

# ◆ Class-Specific Gain Parameter Tables ◆
# You may choose to manually specify an entire class's gain parameters.
# To do so, use the same format as above GAIN_PARAMETER table but instead
# use CLASS_GAIN_PARAMETER [n] (Where n = Number of class in the database)
# Any parameter you do not set in this table will instead draw from the
# GAIN_PARAMETER chart. Also note that class gain parameters take the highest
# priority.
# ★ Insert Custom Class Gain Tables Below Here ★

# ★ Insert Custom Class Gain Tables Above Here ★

# ◆ AP = Attribute Points. These settings are for the AP Distrubution Screen.
# VOCAB_RP appears at the top of the column which lists the AP cost of
# the parameter
VOCAB_RP = "Coût"
# VOCAB_RP_A appears next to where it lists your current and total AP.

# ◆ Parameter Labels ◆
# Allows you to change the text of Hit Ratio, Evasion, Critical, Skill
# Speed, Item Speed, and Odds (luck) on the distribution screen.
:hit => "Précision", # Hit Ratio (Accuracy)
:eva => "Evasion", # Evasion
:cri => "Critique", # Critical
:skill_speed => "Vitesse Magie", # Skill Speed
:item_speed => "Vitesse Objets", # Item Speed
:odds => "Chance", # Odds (Luck)
} # <- Do not remove!

# ◆ Caption Text ◆
# These fields affect the text at the top of the distribution screen.
# Attribute name label.
AT_CAPTION = "Caractéristique"
# AP cost/rate label.
RT_CAPTION = "Bonus"
# Current AP ppent on given attribute label.
SP_CAPTION = "Total"
# Current status (right window) label.
CS_CAPTION = "Statut Actuel"

# ◆ Help Window Text ◆
# Text of the menu title for the AP Distribution Screen.

# ◆ AP Gauge Colors ◆
# Allows you to change the color of the guages that appear under the stats
# side bar. The color can also be determined by a numerical expression.
# Example: GAUGE_START_COLOR = Color.new(255, 0, 0) <- This is red.
# This is the fill color for the early phase of the guage.
# This is the fill color for the late phase of the guage. (When full)

# ◆ Menu Command Button & Text ◆
# the AP Distribution System is added to the menu under "Quit Game".
# When false, it does not. (Obviously)
# Allows you to change the text for this button on the main command menu.

# ◆ Parameter Re-distribution ◆
# This affects whether the player can delevel the parameters that have
# been increased.
# true : Allows the player to reassign AP.
# false : Prevents the player from unassigning AP if set to false.

# ◆ AP in Status Window ◆
# Added by Mr. Anonymous.
# This toggle allows you to enable/disable the AP display on the status
# screen.
# This toggle allows you to adjust the position of the AP display on the
# status screen. (If SHOW_STATUS_RP = true)
# 0. Below Actor's Face Image
# 1. Below Actor's Parameters

# ◆ Extra Parameters in Status Window ◆
# Added by Mr. Anonymous.
# This toggle allows you to enable/disable the parameters for accuracy,
# evasion, and critical below the regular paramaters (STR, DEF, SPI, AGI)

# ◆ Call DistributeParameter From Actor Status Window ◆
# Added by Mr. Anonymous.
# This allows you to change what key/button is pressed on the status window
# to shift to the DistributeParameter window.
# When set to nil, this is disabled. ( CALL_DISTPARAMKEY = Input::nil )
CALL_DISTPARAMKEY = Input::CTRL # On the keyboard, button X is the A key.

# ◆ Show Actor Graphic ◆
# Added by Mr. Anonymous.
# This toggle allows you to enable/disable the actor sprite in the Distribute
# Parameter window next to the actor name.
# true = Show the sprite.
# false = Do not show.

# ★ End Customization ★ #


$imported = {} if $imported == nil
$imported["DistributeParameter"] = true


module KGC::DistributeParameter
# Set up parameter array
PARAMS = [:maxhp, :maxmp, :atk, :def, :spi, :agi, :hit, :eva, :cri,
:skill_speed, :odds]


2) J'essaye de l'appeler par event , j'utilise donc cette balise de code : call_distribute_parameter(1) où dans l'entre parenthèse se trouve l'ID du personnage .

3) Celui-ci affiche un message d'erreur :

Le voilà
Un problème d'appel via évent . Captur18

Voici la ligne en question :
Un problème d'appel via évent . Captur19

Grand merci à l'avance pour votre aide qui m'ai d'une grande importance

Dernière édition par Djidane le Ven 9 Avr 2010 - 23:05, édité 1 fois

Nombre de messages : 1711
Date d'inscription : 07/08/2009

Un problème d'appel via évent . Empty Re: Un problème d'appel via évent .

Lun 5 Avr 2010 - 16:45
T'a essayé de le test dans un projet vierge ?

Nombre de messages : 1444
Age : 30
Localisation : Paris
Distinction : Héritier d'Alexdream (mais on l'aime quand même).
Lèche cul professionnel
et il aime ça!!!
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2008

Un problème d'appel via évent . Empty Re: Un problème d'appel via évent .

Lun 5 Avr 2010 - 16:58
Oui j'ai essayer (Il y a quelque minute XD ) , et le message d'erreur reste le même .

Je precise que le script peut être configurer pour se rajouter au menu et qu'il fonctionne dans cette forme là ...

Nombre de messages : 94
Age : 31
Localisation : Amos
Distinction : aucune
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2009

Un problème d'appel via évent . Empty Re: Un problème d'appel via évent .

Mar 6 Avr 2010 - 14:51
Avec ceci tu devrait être en mesure de régler le problème.
class Game_Temp
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :next_scene_actor_index
  # * Alias Object Initialization
  alias aza_no_next_scene_actor_index_bug_fix initialize
  def initialize
    @next_scene_actor_index = nil
Ajoute-le n'importe où tant qu'il est au-dessus de Main et en dessous de Game_Temp

Nombre de messages : 1444
Age : 30
Localisation : Paris
Distinction : Héritier d'Alexdream (mais on l'aime quand même).
Lèche cul professionnel
et il aime ça!!!
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2008

Un problème d'appel via évent . Empty Re: Un problème d'appel via évent .

Ven 9 Avr 2010 - 23:00
J'essaye sa et je te dit le résultat par EDIT ou nouveau message si quelqu'un répond ... Wink

Merci à toi de ton aide en tout cas Smile

Sa ne marche pas , merci quand même j'ai tout simplement trouver une autre solution Smile !

Nombre de messages : 1711
Date d'inscription : 07/08/2009

Un problème d'appel via évent . Empty Re: Un problème d'appel via évent .

Ven 9 Avr 2010 - 23:32
T'a essayé de chercher un autre endroit pour le script ? C'est peut être une erreur de copier / coller ?

Nombre de messages : 1444
Age : 30
Localisation : Paris
Distinction : Héritier d'Alexdream (mais on l'aime quand même).
Lèche cul professionnel
et il aime ça!!!
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2008

Un problème d'appel via évent . Empty Re: Un problème d'appel via évent .

Sam 10 Avr 2010 - 0:04
Non c'était encore plus *** .

J'ai retrouver l'endroit d'ou venait le script (bb-actif) , et j'ai vue qu'il fallais juste faire CTRL dans le menu Etat et non un appel de script ^^
Contenu sponsorisé

Un problème d'appel via évent . Empty Re: Un problème d'appel via évent .

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